Monday, May 23, 2011

Intro - Savea

Talofa dear family,

This is Savea Samuelu D. Partsch, one of the youngest guys in the family plot, I mean family lot. Lol.  Actually I am the oldest of the 10 of us.  And for the sake of the young ‘generators’ here’s the list of the fab 10:
1.      Savea Samuelu D.
2.      Saito’atasi
3.      Aimeamiti
4.      La’ulu Lagi
5.      Viliamu
6.      Leapaga Karl Jr
7.      Oscar
8.      Fiti
9.      Fa’apoaifoto
10.  Masuisui Sam Jr
We also have Faena Fu’ameleke Forsythe, Rita and others but I’ll address that later.

I am married to Vaveao Dawn Elizabeth Moe whose mother, Bridget Althea Shanti Ensell Moe or Nani for short  is of Indian, Irish and British ancestry.  Vave’s dad, Tauivi Nobert Moe, was one of the first Samoans to tour and performed Polynesian music and dance all over Asia and Europe in the early 1900’s.  For our family history, Vave’s uncle Aupiu Savea Moe was a branch president in Saleimoa way before our mom and dad joined the LDS church. But Uncle Leota Aimeamiti Tilialo Luatua was a member at the time. 

We have 7 chidlren:
1.      Sinalanimaka Tusifolau
2.      Peninatutasiolelagi Vailima
3.      Tusimailelagi Faustine
4.      Peleoali’ilagi Shanti
5.      Lealoali’ifiliilagi Helaman
6.      Viliamutuilagi Joseph
7.      Tanielutuilagi Ioane 
Of our 6 grand children, Sinalanimaka and John Maiava have 3 children:
1.      Le Tausalaoletuto’atasi
2.      Saito’atasi
3.      Lale

Penina and Lomb Luanghane:
1.      Mata’utoasavanh

Pele and Michael Bennett:
1.      Kenese Peyton
2.      Blake Sinalani

Our whole family is growing and multiplying in numbers all over this world. Let's never forget the sacrifice our parents, Tusifolau and Fautuaali'i did for us in Samoa.  I’m looking forward to the day when I get to see you all.  Let’s continue to pray for each other and the day when we’ll all meet again.

Alofa tele mo outua uma,

Uncle Savea

PS. Missing in the pictures are my son Lealo who's in school in Utah and Tusi who's living in Hawaii.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say Hi to the family and God bless. I doubt you all remember this little gringo, but my memories of you all I will never lose. It's very satisfying in my heart to see your family growing so beautiful, big, and strong. Peace..
