Monday, September 12, 2011

Katie - The Silly Season...

Katie here -

We have something called the "Silly Season" at our house.  From August 27th to Sept 7th for our family we celebrate 2 birthdays and our wedding anniversary.  It's a crazy time making sure none of these things gets negected and gets celebrated like it deserves.

One of these things was Hannah turning 7!  This year she wanted to have a Princess party so I we got busy planning that for her.  We have usually only done family parties but I figured that this year was the year we could make her Princess party happen.  It was really fun!  Hannah had a great time and I've seen enough pink to last a lifetime!  Here are some pics from the birthday party.....

Princess storytime

Blowing it out

What is it?

Happy to have a Barbie

Princess activity book

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