Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Strawberry Days Children's parade - Katie

A couple of years ago we participated in a local parade for the town that we live in.  Every year they celebrate the history of the city with different events over the space of a week.  It is called Strawberry Days and it's really fun.  Last year I was looking up to see what the dates were for certain events and was surprised to see my daughter Hannah's photo on the city website.  I quickly copied it and have it on my computer.  Now when I go to the website I still see it on there and I'm proud of her.  She was having a good time and flashing her best smile to the people we passed and the photo captures it all.  The funny thing to me is that while she is waving an American flag, her t-shirt says "Somebody in NZ loves me!" lol.  Funny!  Got to represent both countries :)

Here is the photo:

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